As I've been reading my scriptures this morning, I was reading in Mosiah 5:15 "... abounding in good works". I began writing down a list of things which we can all do no matter how young or old we are:) For this page I have dedicated my thoughts towards the grandchildren:)
Let's see if you can guess what it will be by the picture I show you first:) Who can you help with this item?
1. Getting a diaper for mom or dad for our younger brother or sister or even a cousin.
2. Setting the table for mom or grandma - just like Aden, Landon, Makayla, Lincoln and Samantha have helped at grandma Irene's house:)
3. Emptying the dishwasher - just like Emery, Lincoln and Aden have done.
4. Vacuuming a room - Aden and Lincoln have helped me with this chore in the past.
5. Cleaning windows - just like Samantha, Brandon and Chase helped grandma Irene:) You need to check this short video!! Holy cow!! Spiderman!!
Don't get any funny ideas, but you can definitely dress up like him. That was pretty neat hey!
6. Watching our younger brothers, sisters or cousins - Makayla you are awesome at this. I have been watching how creative you can be with all of your special activities, games and crafts:)
7. Helping dad with yard work or with house repairs.
8. Teaching a friend or a brother or sister how to play a game.
What game would you choose?
Here are a few of my favorites:
Play snakes and ladders.
Play Monopoly (children's version).
Play Sorry.
Play card games like 31 or crazy eights> I'll have to teach you these games:)
Grandma and grandpa have played a number of different games with your dads. Now I have fun playing with all of you.
Here are a few more ideas, that I've taught of, may be they will be just like yours:) Let's see:
1. Paying our tithing, so other children can be taught by their Primary teachers and more chapels and temples can be built just like ours in Calgary and Airdrie.
2. Do your very best in Cubs and at Activity Days. There are so many things which we can learn from our leaders. Many of your dads earned cub badges for all of their hard work in Cubs. Uncle Evan has a full bag on top of his sash filled with all of his badges. He worked very hard!!!! I hope all of you who are now 9 can get your moms and dads to help you achieve as many as you can.

Have you every seen these booklets. They will help you in becoming special sons and daughters of Heavenly Father. It's called "FAITH IN GOD" FOR BOYS OR GIRLS.
They are for both boys and girls:) If you have lost yours, you can ask your Primary teacher or president to get another copy. I would L - O - V - E to see what you have been to do so far and what you plan on doing. If you need help with any of these activities, please let grandpa or grandma know, we'd love to help!!
Please remember that grandma Irene is VERY INTERESTED IN KNOWING WHAT YOU ARE DOING WITH YOUR LIVES. I am also sure that Heavenly Father looks at all of us to see how we are helping our families, friends and classmates.
Take care, love you tons and tons
Grandma Irene.
Great post mom. We'll share it for FHE with the kiddies
ReplyDeleteSamantha Says:
ReplyDeleteSamantha liked the idea of teaching others how to play games. Her favorite game is apples to apples & headbandz. She would like to play more games at Grandma's house, even "guess who".
Landon Says:
Landon thinks that doing older things like maybe mowing the lawn would be a good way to be helpful. Landon thinks that all the ideas were good examples of how to be helpful. Landon loves axis/allies, crokano, apples to apples & checkers. I (dad) thinks he'd really like stratego with Grandpa.
Brandon says:
Brandon loved the spider man video. He loves to play soccer, and climbing the walls. Skateboard games. And being VERY EASILY DISTRACTED lol...
Baba... spider man. Mmmhmmm.. pass & on the swing with Granpa.
Fun FHE - thanks for sharing!
I think you can post audio & video so you could record yourself reading something, or taking your own videos. Might make it even funner for the kids to be interactive and always remember these!